Genetic background for ALBINISM

Test covers the analysis of
23469 genetic changes in 52 genes related:

  • hypopigmentation,

  • vitiligo,

  • zespołem Hermańskiego-Pudlaka.

POBIERZ SKIEROWANIE – uzupełnij i dołącz do materiału (KLIKNIJ)


Why is it worth testing?

The waiting time for the result is only 4 weeks

The analysis always includes genetic changes within exons, introns and promoters of genes and in mitochondrial DNA

Always an additional test included in the price

Consultation with specialist and written interpretation of the result

Each result is reanalysed every 6 months .

Rough data from sequencing are made available on request.

Albinism also known as vitiligo is a genetic disorder connected

with shortage of melamine, pigment of the skin, hair and irises.

We distinguish vitiligo which covers the whole body and local albinism, which is manifested by vitiligo stains.

Albinism may be observed in all race and ethnic groups around the world.

In the United States about 1 in 18 000 to 20 000 people suffers from one type of albinism.

The most common symptoms are:

♦ skin discoloration,

♦ myopia,

♦ nystagmus,

♦ discoloured hair,

♦ pale eyebrows and eyelashes,

♦ eye colour from very light blue to brown, red - may change with age.

Albinism may include changes of skin, eyes or mental state,

severity of which is connected with genetic background of the disease (which gene is damaged).

Albinism may be observed in 1% population of Poland.

First symptoms often appear in childhood or adolescence.

The disease is a common for women as for men.

Test covers the analysis of 23469 genetic changes (SNP) in 52 genes:

Ostatnia aktualizacja bazy: 2023.10.11

Still in doubt? Any questions?

We encourage you to contact us to resolve any doubts!
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