Genetic background for MALIGNANT PANCREAS CANCER

Test covers the analysis of
59532 genetic changes in 17 genes related:

    • adenocarcinoma,

    • follicular cell carcinoma,

    • cancer of embryonic origin,

    • pseudomembranous solid carcinoma,

    • anaplastic cancer,

    • gastrin tumor,

    • insulin tumor,

    • glucagon tumor,

    • tumor that secretes a vasoactive intestinal peptide,

    • somatostatin tumor.

POBIERZ SKIEROWANIE – uzupełnij i dołącz do materiału (KLIKNIJ)


Why is it worth testing?

The waiting time for the result is only 4 weeks

The analysis always includes genetic changes within exons, introns and promoters of genes and in mitochondrial DNA

Always an additional test included in the price

Consultation with specialist and written interpretation of the result

Each result is reanalysed every 6 months .

Rough data from sequencing are made available on request.

Malignant neoplasm of the pancreas – is a refractory cancer,

which is most often detected in the advanced phase of the disease, when only palliative treatment is possible.

At the initial stage, it does not give any characteristic symptoms.

Diagnostics is based on ultrasound and CT scans.

Pancreatic cancer accounts for about 3% of all cancers.

It is the eighth most common malignant tumour in women and the ninth most common cancer in men.

In 2020, there were more than 495,773 new cases of pancreatic cancer


The most common symptoms of pancreatic cancer are:

♦ abdominal pain radiating to the back,

♦ loss of appetite,

♦ yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice),

♦ stool of light colour,

♦ dark urine,

♦ itching of the skin,

♦ treatment-resistant diabetes,

♦ blood clots

♦ feeling of chronic fatigue,

♦ weight loss.

Only every fourth patient survives pancreatic cancer since diagnosis.

Less than 5% of people survive 5 years.

In addition, 60% of patients at the time of diagnosis already have a pancreatic tumour that is not suitable for surgery.


In Poland, in 2020, the mortality rate is:

7.25/ 100 000 people

(38th in the world)

Females : 6,02/100,000 people

For males: 8.74/100,000 people

Risk factors:


being overweight, obesity,


chronic pancreatitis,

♦ genetic predisposition

Test covers the analysis of 59286 genetic changes (SNP) in 17 genes:

Ostatnia aktualizacja bazy: 2023.12.19

Still in doubt? Any questions?

We encourage you to contact us to resolve any doubts!
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