The waiting time for the result is only 4 weeks

The analysis always includes genetic changes within exons, introns and promoters of genes and in mitochondrial DNA

Always an additional test included in the price

Consultation with specialist and written interpretation of the result

Each result is reanalysed every 6 months .

Rough data from sequencing are made available on request.

 It is estimated that the causes of reproductive failure in about 35 percent of cases are related to male infertility, about 35 percent are female infertility, and for 30 percent of couples the cause of infertility cannot currently be determined.

The most common causes of infertility and reproductive failure are:

In women:

- genetic predisposition,

- ovulation disorders,

– nieprawidłowości budowy macicy lub szyjki macicy,

– uszkodzenie lub niedrożność jajowodu,

- endometriosis,

– pierwotna niewydolność jajników (przedwczesna menopauza),

- cancers and their treatment,

In men:

- genetic diseases e.g.: Klinefeflter syndrome, myotonic dystrophy, microdeletions and others,

- azoospermia - the inability to produce sperm,

– oligospermia – produkcja niskiej jakości plemników,

- deformed sperm that cannot live long enough to fertilize an egg cell,

- some diseases e.g.: diabetes, some autoimmune disorders, cystic fibrosis and some infections,

- some medications and dietary supplements,

- varicocele - enlargement of veins within the testicles that causes them to overheat, which can affect the shape or number of sperm,

- cancer,

- some medications and dietary supplements,

– nadużywanie alkoholu, wyrobów tytoniowych

- testicular trauma,

- hormonal disorders.

The WHO now recognizes infertility as a disease of civilization in the 21st century.

In Poland, the problem of infertility affects nearly 20% of couples, or about 1.5 million people.

Risk factors:

-family bond,

- obesity,

- age,

- exposure to ionizing radiation,

- a history of ectopic pregnancy,

- primary ovarian failure,

- polycystic ovary syndrome,

- sexually transmitted infections,

- irregular monthly cycle.

Test covers the analysis of 79332 genetic changes (SNP) in 301 genes:

Ostatnia aktualizacja bazy: 2023.07.01



Test covers the analysis of
79332 zmian genetycznych w 301 genach related:

  • male infertility,

  • female infertility,

  • reproductive failures.

Przykładowe wyniki (kliknij):

Niepłodność męska

Niepłodność żeńska

Interpretacja kliniczna

POBIERZ SKIEROWANIE – uzupełnij i dołącz do materiału (KLIKNIJ)


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