Genetic background for SCHIZOPHRENIA

Test covers the analysis of
12163 genetic changes in 33 genes related:

  • paranoid schizophrenia,

  • hebephrenic schizophrenia,

  • catatonic schizophrenia,

  • undifferentiated schizophrenia,

  • residual schizophrenia,

  • simple schizophrenia.

POBIERZ SKIEROWANIE – uzupełnij i dołącz do materiału (KLIKNIJ)


Why is it worth testing?

The waiting time for the result is only 4 weeks

The analysis always includes genetic changes within exons, introns and promoters of genes and in mitochondrial DNA

Always an additional test included in the price

Consultation with specialist and written interpretation of the result

Each result is reanalysed every 6 months .

Rough data from sequencing are made available on request.

Schizophrenia - is a chronic mental disorder characterized by significant impairment in the perception of reality.

The patient has an impaired ability to make a realistic, critical assessment of himself,

environment, interpersonal relations or may not be capable of it at all.

Schizophrenia affects about 24 million people worldwide.

The incidence rate is 1 in 300 people.

The most common symptoms of schizophrenia are:

♦ illusions,

♦ hallucinations,

♦ behavioral disorganization,

♦ reduced ability to feel and experience emotions,

♦ loss of motivation,

♦ reduction in verbal expression,

♦ problems with planning basic activities, such as grocery shopping,

♦ sleep problems,

♦ withdrawal from contacts with friends, family.

The lifetime risk of developing schizophrenia is about 1%.

About 385,000 people in Poland suffer from schizophrenia.

The disease often manifests itself before the age of 30.

On average, men begin to get sick earlier (ages 15-24) than women (ages 25-34).

Risk factors:

 genetic load,

Viral infections (Herpes virus, CMV),

♦ other infections (Toxoplasma gondii),

exposure to toxins (lead),

♦ living in heavily populated societies,

exposure to prolonged prenatal starvation.

Test covers the analysis of 12163 genetic changes (SNP) in 33 genes:

Ostatnia aktualizacja bazy: 2023.11.25

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We encourage you to contact us to resolve any doubts!
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