Genetic background for AETA and AORT DISTENSION

Test covers the analysis of
30010 genetic changes in 40 genes related:

  • aortic dissection,

  • aortic aneurysm.

POBIERZ SKIEROWANIE – uzupełnij i dołącz do materiału (KLIKNIJ)


Why is it worth testing?

The waiting time for the result is only 4 weeks

The analysis always includes genetic changes within exons, introns and promoters of genes and in mitochondrial DNA

Always an additional test included in the price

Consultation with specialist and written interpretation of the result

Each result is reanalysed every 6 months .

Rough data from sequencing are made available on request.

Aneuryms and aortic dissectionare disorders of the build of blood vessels.

Aneurysm may be characterized by widening of the lumen of the arteries for about 20%, which may cause their cracking.

Aortic dissection is the separation of tissues that build the wall of blood vessels from each other

filling the space between them with blood.

Aortic dissection appears in 117 per 100 000 people per year, aortic aneurysm 1-5 per 1 000 000 per year.

The actual frequency of aortic dissection is difficult to estimate,

most estimates are based on autopsy examinations.

Evidence of aortic dissection is found in 1-3% of all autopsies (1 in 350 cades).


Najczęstszymi objawami tętniaków i rozwarstwienia aorty są:

♦ pain in the chest, jaw, shoulders,

♦ difficulty breathing,

♦ loss of consciousness,

♦ sudden loss of balance and coordination,

♦ sudden dizziness,

♦ low blood pressure,

♦ trouble swallowing,

♦ temperature.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture occurs in 4-13 per 100,000 people, depending on age and country.

In the United States aortic aneurysm rupture is 13th on the list of the most common death causes.

Every year about 15 000 people die because of it. 

  In Poland the incidence of aortic aneurysms is estimated at 4–7.6% in men over 65 years of age (in women 4–8 times less often).

Risk factors:

genetic load,

♦ Marfan syndrome,

♦ hypertension,

♦ aortic coarctation,

♦ male gender,

♦ high cholesterol in the blood,

♦ age.

Test covers the analysis of 30010 genetic changes (SNP) in 40 genes:

Ostatnia aktualizacja bazy: 2023.11.30

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