
Microbiome – jest to zbiór mikroorganizmów, występujących w organiźmie człowieka. W jego skład wchodzą zróżnicowane bakterie (rodzaje)

These microbes perform many functions which are necessary for the body.


It is estimated that about 15% of cancer diseases are stimulated by bacterial infections.

The risk of colorectal cancer is related to the gut microbiome.

Many mechanisms by which commensal bacteria can transform have been described 

procarcinogens found in food in DNA-damaging compounds

(e.g. ethanol, heterocyclic amines)

or directly produce carcinogens (e.g. fecapentaenes).

This can lead to the development of tumours:

intestines and rectum

reproductive system

the head and neck



The gut microbiome contributes to pathology in the mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
Dysbiosis of the human microbiome is a risk factor for the development of Alzheimer's disease.


The altered composition of the vaginal microbiome may contribute to repeated miscarriages.


The discovery of the microbiome-gut-brain axis points to a two-way connection. 

The gut microbiome can influence many neurological disorders, including autism.


The discovery of the microbiome-gut-brain axis points to a two-way connection.

The gut microbiome can influence many neurological disorders, including autism.

Most patients with the autism spectrum suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms.



There is a growing body of research that links autoimmune problems

with the state of the intestinal microbiome.

Because 80 percent of the immune system is in the intestinal lining,

any imbalances in the microbiome can contribute

to the development of autoimmune diseases.

                TYPE 2 DIABETES

Many scientific publications report that bacteria of the genus:

Bifidobacterium, Bacteroides, Faecalibacterium, Akkermansia and Roseburia

are negatively associated with the development of type 2 diabetes,

while of the genera Ruminococcus, Fusobacterium i Blautia are positively related.

The molecular mechanisms involved in the microbiome are responsible for the beginning

and progression of type 2 diabetes.



Non-alcoholic fatty liver is a multifactorial disease,

which results from the interaction of genetic predisposition and metabolic factors,

inflammatory and environmental.

Different species of bacteria in the gut metabolise nutrients in different ways,

triggering various pathways that contribute to the accumulation of fat in the liver

and causing inflammation leading to liver damage.



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