The most precise test of genetic predisposition which includes analysis of all known mutations predisposing to development of a particular disease. 

The price of the test includes consultations with a specialist of specific field (cinical geneticist, oncologist, diabetologist, gynaecologist, psychiatrist, cardiologist, neurologist, nephrologist, dermatologist, neonatologist, gastroenterologist, pulmonologist).

W ramach badania analizowane są  zmiany liczby chromosomów: X, Y, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22 –ich aneuploidie u zarodków po poronieniu.

Lub poznanie tylko płci zarodka po poronieniu

 Płeć dziecka niezbędna do uzyskania (ze szpitala lub od lekarza prowadzącego) Karty Martwego Urodzenia,

Onkologia spersonalizowana

Medycyna spersonalizowana opiera się na indywidualnym dostosowaniu strategii leczenia dla pacjenta.

It is therefore necessary to analyse the specific features and characteristics of the tumour in order to determine the best possible therapy with the best possible results and the least possible side effects.

In addition, some of this information can also be used to detect tumours at a very early stage or to screen for cancer in asymptomatic people.

  • Jedyny test NIPT oparty o badanie SNP
  • Badanie wykrywa powszechnych trisomii, aneuploidii i mikrodelecji.
  • Czas oczekiwania na wynik do 10 dni
  • Badanie jako jedynyne z dostepnych na rynku wykonywane jest w laboratorium w USA
  • Przebadanych ponad 2 000 000 pacjentek

Nasi partnerzy

How to order tests at Diagmol?

Step 1

Register at and create a new user account.

Step 2
Medical consultation/test selection

After registering a new account, you can take advantage of a medical consultation or choose the test you are interested in yourself.

Step 3
Payment method

Choose the payment method – one-time rate or subscription.

Step 4
Samples collection

Within several days you receive samples collection kit, necessary documents and a return label.

Step 5
Returning samples

Send back the samples with the documentation to the lab.

Step 6
Results of your test

Do 5 tygodni na Twoim profilu będzie dostępny wynik badania oraz termin telekonsultacji ze specjalistą.

Additional tests
Additional tests

You may buy / add in your subscription some more tests without additional samples.

Step 8

It will take up to 5 days before the result is available in your profile along with the date of teleconsultation with a specialist.

Why is it worth having tests at Diagmol?

Every disease is curable when diagnosed early.

Tests based on whole genome sequencing enable the reanalysis of the material toward most other diseases at any time.
What does it look like in a schematic way:
you order a WES test for predisposal for lung cancer.
We send the necessary documentation and samples collection kit at the designated address.

Our molecular diagnostic test
prove high effectiveness

Test of predisposition for diseases using high-performance techniques of molecular biology such as whole exome sequencing enables to reach the sensitivity at the level of 99,8%. Additionally, every result is consulted with a specialist in order to find the best therapeutic path.

We offer wide selection
of diagnostic tests

Our offer is constantly enlarging and is based on the algorithm testing the newest scientific achievements (publications, databases), genetic changes in correlation with the tested disease unit.

If you are unable to find the test – panel with a disease of your interest, contact us. We will provide you with the panel within 7 days.

Diagmol offer for specialists

Our company cooperates with seats of learning and doctors.
We encourage you to familiarize with our offer and contact us.

Customers’ opinions

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